Track your keywords on the map.

Geo Grid rank tracker will allow you to simulate the search on different GES Coordinates.
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  • You can purchase top-up credits at cost of 15 USD per 10000 credits. These credits will never get expired.


Yes, you can track service area businesses using the SAB mode.

Yes, you can schedule Geo Grid for keywords on a per location basis using either the Places API GeoGrid or the Service Area Business Geo Grid.

You can export Geo Grids to CSV files as well as image.

The Places API only returns businesses that have an address listed. The Service Area Business mode GeoGrid will return both businesses that have an address and businesses that don’t.

The Places API runs on your own Google Places API Keys and you will pay the bill directly. Google offer 200 USD Free Credit every month, and you can do nearly get 12000 credits using it.

Yes, we provider external link to each project you can share with your client.